Dinosaurs 2:

The birds and mammals were different from the ones you know today. This flying reptile was very large. It ate small animals.

Fish and snails lived before dinosaurs. The climate was warm and wet. Large trees covered the land. Large insects lived in the forest. One flying insect was about your size!

After the dinosaurs disappeared, mammals lived everywhere on earth. Some of them looked like animals that live today.

The climate can change the kinds of plants and animals that live on earth.

Very many years after the dinosaurs lived, the climate changed some parts of the earth became very cold. Plants that needed warm, wet weather could not grow. The animals that ate the plant could not live.

Today many people protect plants and animals. They make parks where people cannot hunt animals or pick plants. People also make laws that protec plants and animals.

1.- Birds: Pájaros
2.- Malmmals: Mamíferos
3.- Fish: pez
4.- Wet: Húmedo
5.- Tree: Arbol
6.- Climate: Clima
7.- Earth: Tierra
8.- Cold: Frio
9.- Warm: Templado
10.- Grow: Crecer
11.- Today: Hoy en dia
12.- People: Gente
13.- Hunt: Cazar
14.- Law: Ley
15.- Protect: Proteger.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Cosme menuda suerte que teneis con D. Tomás...! que buena idea la de crear este blog y así aprender de una forma tan amena y divertida.
Que no decaiga la ilusión. Vais a triunfar....¡(madre de Cosme)

Tomás dijo...

Yo estoy muy contento, están aprendiendo mucho y con muchas ganas.

Anónimo dijo...

(D. José Angel) Toma ya...qué pedazo de artículo, Cosme, con su vocabulario y todo (ya he conseguido subir algo mi nivel de inglés gracias a él). Beti aurrera!

Tomás dijo...

Gracias por su comentario. Viva Sopelana. (Cosme)

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